Medicaid Tips


When applying for Medicaid, (DHS), you must ONLY have $2,094.00 or less in your TOTAL resources. This is any and all income; including SSI and private pensions, in addition to CD’s, stocks, bonds, trust funds, life insurance policies, and burial policies that are revocable. Income over $2130.00 has to be placed in a Medicaid income trust the day before needing assistance.

Burial policies must be irrevocable 30 days prior to needing assistance. This means they cannot be cashed in. The limited amount of the burial policy can not exceed $10,000.00. This limit also includes any life insurance policies applied to the burial expenses. Life insurance policies depend on the face value and cash surrender or “cash in” value.

When applying for Medicaid, (DHS), you have 45 days to complete the packet of information you will receive from them but only 10 days to respond to their initial letter.

If approved for Medicaid and if there becomes a time when health conditions allow us to bill Medicare instead of Medicaid you must still remain UNDER $2,000.00 a month or your Medicaid privileges will be REVOKED. Please see our Business Office Manager for assistance if this occurs.

DHS will look back 3 to 5 years into financial history. Should there be any funds transferred, that exceed $2,000.00 in value, there will be a transfer penalty. (Exp. $20,000 divided by 2 = 10 months of ineligibility).

The penalty will start on the date of transfer.

Upon admission we will need a copy of the following if any apply to you:

Medicare card 1 Year of Bank Statements-all accounts

Medicaid card Copies of Burial Policies

Social Security card Copies of Life Insurance Policies

Insurance cards Verification of all Gross Income

Guardianship Deeds/Titles to Home and/or Vehicles

Power of Attorney Copies of any other Assets and their value

Advanced Directive Photo ID

** The above information is only a partial list of DHS’s requirements for you to use as a tool for “getting

started”. Rules and regulations are constantly changing therefore please contact your local DHS office for any questions or concerns regarding your specific financial situation.

** Financial information above is based on a single person applying for Medicaid. Rules and regulations for applying for Medicaid when you are married have different requirements. Contact your local Medicaid office for your specific requirements.